Anche se a volte disattende gli appuntamenti annunciati, come l’annuncio di pubblicare i suoi “archivi” o la promessa di pubblicare nuovi brani con la sua band d’appoggio “Crazy Horse”, non smetteremo mai di ringraziare Neil Young. Dopo 34 album in studio pubblicati, ora promette l’uscita di un nuovo album per fine marzo.
La notizia stavolta non sarà smentita, né bisognerà attendere più del dovuto per verificarne la veridicità. Infatti è già uscito il singolo omonimo che anticipa la pubblicazione dell’album: “Fork in the Road”, un bel brano rock-blues accompagnato da un videoclip “fai da te” girato dallo stesso artista nel giardino di casa sua servendosi esclusivamente di una webcam fissa, come fanno di consueto migliaia di internauti.
Il tema principale dell’album è la crisi economica e i problemi sociali che ne stanno derivando.
In attesa dell’uscita dell’album, sperando che non ci siano ritardi eccessivi, proponiamo il video del brano “Fork in the Road”.
Neil Young, Fork in the Road
Got a pot belly,
It's not too big
Gets in my way
When I'm driving my rig
Driving this country
In a big old rig
Things I've seen
Mean a lot
Friend has a pickup
Drives his kid to school
Then he takes his wife
To beauty school
Now she's doin' nails
Gonna get a job
Got a good teacher
There's a fork in the road ahead
I don't which way I'm gonna turn
There's a fork in the road ahead
About this year
We salute the troops
They're all still there
In a fucking war
It's no good
Whose idea was that?
I've got hope
But you can't eat hope
I'm not done
Not giving up
Not cashing in
Too late
There's a bailout coming but it's not for me
It's for all those creeps watching tickers on TV
There's a bailout coming but it's not for me
I'm a big rock star
My sales have tanked
But I still got you
Download this
Sounds like shit
Keep on bloggin'
'Til the power goes out
Your battery's dead
Twist and shout
On the radio
Those were the days
Bring 'em back
There's a bailout coming but it's not for you
It's for all those creeps hiding what they do
There's a bailout coming but it's not for you
Bailout coming but it's not for you
Got my flat screen
Got it repo'd now
They picked it up
Left a hole in the wall
Last Saturday
Missed the Raiders game
There's a bailout coming but it's not for you
There's a bailout coming but it's not for you
It's for all those creeps hiding what they do
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